LLC Geksa - Non-Woven Fabrics - Russia (manufacturer)
At the ShymkentBuild 2015 exhibition to be held on 11-13 of March, 2015 in the city of Shymkent Geksa LLC will present:
- ISOSPAN - for construction; under this trademark GC GEKSA manufactures steam and waterproof materials. The main purpose of such materials is to extend buildings lifetime. Non-woven materials are used under various climate conditions. Over 1 200 000 buildings have already been constructed with their use. The trade mark has been present at the market for 11 years, it is well known not only in Russia but in Kazakhstan and Ukraine as well.
- AGROTEKS – for orchads and gardens. This non-woven material is used in agriculture. Its main purpose is protection of plants from rapid temperature changes. It is very important in the conditions of extreme continental climate. Non-woven materials AGROTEKS conduct air, water and light, protect plants from rough weather, weeds, insects, diseases, enables soil mulching. The material is also used for soil separation during landscaping works.
- GEOSPAN - for roads. GEOSPAN is a reliable way of fighting with one of the eternal problems: bad roads. The Reinforced materials serve roadbed to withstand the loads of heavy-load vehicles and protect it from the subsoil waters. GEOSPAN is used for construction of automobile roads, railways, runways, drill rigs and pipilines, training grounds.
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